While I’m writing this post, I am completely aware that what I should be doing is writing my new book. But at least I’m writing something and that is a good thing.
I have had a very insightful afternoon reading your book. It arrived from Amazon at midday today and I have just finished it. I also have bipolar and can empathise with your plight. I will be seeking out some more of your published works.
I love getting emails. It reminds me of ancient times before the internet became a thing. We were writing letters to each other. Pen on paper. Sometimes I miss those days. Everything was simpler and more genuine. No filters.
Remember the analog cameras with film? So I guess you’re old, too. I know age is just a number and in my mind, I’m still nineteen, but my lower back doesn’t agree. Still, I’m looking forward to the future, hoping that humanity survives for a few more decades.
But seriously, if somebody offered you an infinite life, would you take it? Or living to 200 like those giant turtles? I know I would. Not enjoying the thought of having lower back pain for 150 more years, but hey, you can’t have everything, right?
Some people want to live forever, others want to escape to another planet. Both are impossible at the moment, but in the future, it will surely be normal. I’m glad billionaires are pumping their hard-earned money into something useful. At least they’re not putting chips into monkeys’ brains.
I’m not against AI, it can be very useful and I believe it will have a huge impact on human development. But considering human nature, it’s very plausible that AI will overcome us. Maybe it’s the same as with antidepressants. It gets worse before it gets better.
What are your thoughts on the past and the future?